Communication skills scoring


Check your answers and see how you did

  1. False. Listening is just as important – maybe even more important – than talking. Listening is the only way you can understand what the other person is thinking and feeling.
  2. True. Making eye contact shows you’re paying attention.
  3. False. If you’re thinking about what to say next, you’re not really listening.
  4. False. “Yes” or “no” answers don’t give much information. You learn more about what the other person wants, needs and is trying to tell you from open-ended questions that require fuller answers.
  5. True. We all have filters based on our experiences and personalities. Sometimes these filters can cloud the way we understand things. That’s why it’s good to clarify what you’ve heard. It helps prevent misinterpretations.
  6. False. It’s a good idea to check out your assumptions to be sure you and the listener “are on the same page.”
  7. True. Body language – like how people stand, hold their arms or the expression on their faces – can tell you a lot about what they’re thinking and feeling.
  8. False. Digital communications are fast. But they can leave you guessing as to tone and other subtle aspects of meaning. Being face-to-face with someone is the best way to understand what he or she really means.
  9. True. These are examples of “communication blocks” – hurtful or offensive things people do or say (often without meaning to) that end real communication.
  10. False. Everybody can learn the skills they need to become better communicators. But it takes work, practice and the wish to understand and be understood. You can learn more about communication skills by going online and researching the topic.